HC Oranje-Rood wants to be a field hockey club where everyone feels safe and enjoys the sport of field hockey. We can only achieve this together! By behaving and speaking to each other when things threaten to go wrong.
We consider it important to prevent unpleasant and undesirable matters (e.g. bullying, (sexual) harassment or discrimination) within our club and to make them discussable where necessary. For this we have our confidant and the confidential committee who can be contacted at any time. See the page Trust-Privacy.
Rules of conduct & disciplinary committee
In addition to relying on good behavior, rules of conduct have been established to clarify this. These can be found in the appendix below. In addition, the most important rules of conduct are listed below.
For enforcement of these rules of conduct, there is Within HC Oranje-Rood there is a disciplinary committee. This committee advises the board on situations where members of HC Oranje-Rood, individually or as a group, have (allegedly) misbehaved on or outside the club. That means: behaving contrary to the statutes and regulations of the KNHB and/or of our own field hockey club.
The Disciplinary Committee can also advise on situations of (alleged) misconduct by people on HC Oranje-Rood grounds, even if they are not members of the club. The Disciplinary Committee receives cases forwarded by the board, for example letters of complaint from other clubs, notes of misconduct from the KNHB or reports of (frequent) red cards within one team or at an individual player.
In addition, anyone, member or non-member, may file a complaint with the Disciplinary Committee when the above situations arise.
In this annex find:
Furthermore, in this appendix you will find the overview of our rules of conduct of HC Oranje-Rood.
We have listed the most important ones again below.
Every member of the Oranje-Rood must behave inside and outside the playing field on their own sports park, or the sports park of another club at home and abroad, in accordance with the generally applicable rules of decency. I.e. to treat each other, opponents and everyone involved with Oranje-Rood with respect.
Specific rules of conduct
Regarding our complex:
Regarding our locker rooms/toilet rooms:
Regarding our clubhouse:
Regarding material use:
Regarding sponsored apparel:
Regarding behavior on and around the field:
Regarding undesirable manners and behaviors:
How to deal with the rules of conduct?
Oranje-Rood values self-regulation in monitoring the discipline and sportsmanship of all its members and coaching staff, during and around games. This is especially in the interest of a sporting game and competition.
In addition, it promotes both the results and the image of Orange-Rood.
In cases of misconduct, the procedure as outlined in Discipline & Trust regulations will apply.
HC Oranje-Rood wants to be a socially safe club where everyone can enjoy playing field hockey and where parents can leave their children with peace of mind. With over 1600 youth members, there are many daily activities at our complex, where our volunteers are committed to guiding our youth. Good supervision is one of the conditions for a safe sports climate.
At HC Oranje-Rood we do this by helping our trainers, coaches and managers with information and course evenings. For the entire club it is important to discuss desired behavior inside and outside the lines. We also have an independent confidential contact person and confidential doctors who can be contacted if necessary. The introduction by the board of a mandatory Certificate of Good Conduct ("VOG") for trainers, coaches, managers and relevant committee members/coordinators complements this. This policy is actively supported by the KNHB, NOC*NSF. Requiring a VOG gives more certainty about the past of our volunteers. It reduces the chance that individuals, who have previously been in the wrong, can take up a position with a (different) sports club. We are well aware that a VOG is not a watertight measure. The VOG is only one of the means and certainly not an end in itself. It does fit within the framework of social developments and helps us in our objective to be a (socially) safe association for all our members.
Active as a coach, trainer, manager or committee member/coordinator?
Are you actively training, coaching or managing a youth team and are you over the age of 18? Then from now on it is mandatory to submit a VOG. This obligation also applies if you are over 18 years of age and involved with our youth from another role (for example committee member or coordinator). At HC Oranje-Rood we are specifically talking about a VOG that belongs to exercising a function at a sports club, in particular training, coaching or supervising youth teams. A VOG is valid for three years.
Application process
The application for a VOG is initiated by HC Oranje-Rood and will be done electronically. Volunteers who are required to produce a VOG will first receive an email from HC Oranje-Rood informing them that the application for a VOG is underway. Then they will receive an email from the Ministry of Justice and Security (Justis) with a link to the VOG application. Please note that this link is valid for 30 days. By clicking on the link you can complete the VOG application. You will receive the VOG by mail. We would like to ask you to send a copy of the VOG to[email protected].
If you cannot produce a VOG, unfortunately you can no longer be a coach, trainer, manager, committee member/coordinator. In this we draw a clear line, otherwise introduction makes no sense.
There is no cost to apply for a VOG if the above application procedure is followed.
Should you have any questions please direct them to[email protected]
Charles Roels Avenue 7A
5644 HX Eindhoven
Parking: P&R, Aalsterweg 316, 5644 RL Eindhoven or ''P4'' (Charles Roelslaan 15, 5644 HX Eindhoven)
All Rights Reserved | HC Oranje Rood | Powered by LISA